Sunday, January 25, 2009

He Rolled Over!!

Brayden learned to roll over yesterday and I missed it!! I was at work and Jon was doing some tummy time with him and he became so exhausted that he put his head down and rolled over. Jon knew that I would not believe him that he really did it so he was smart enough to video tape it for me. Luckily as soon as I got home from work he did it for me. When he finishes rolling over he gets super excited that he did it. He did it five times yesterday, but of course we can't get him to do it today.

Jon was out of town this week, so it was definitely an exhausting week. Luckily my mom came up for two nights to help me with night duty. So when Jon got home on Friday, I got the night off and a full nights rest without any interruptions, it was definitely needed. Brayden is back to his typical 3 hours of sleeping before he wants food again, so I feel like I am up all night feeding him. So Jon and I decided that maybe he is not getting enough milk, so we decided that we would try a little formula to hopefully help coat his tummy a little bit. I decided I would try it on Friday morning since I would be home all day with him, just in case any problems or an allergic reactions occur. I only gave him 2 oz. of formula and he took it like a champ. I was like this is great, he didn't even notice a difference. Maybe this will solve some of our sleeping problems. Well, I was wrong, about 4 hours later, the poor little guy puked everywhere!! Now I felt like a horrible mother because I was trying formula for the benefit of us getting a little more sleep. So needless to say it will be awhile before he gets formula again and we get good sleep!!

We have an exciting week ahead of us. Brayden has an appointment with the pediatric neurologist on Tuesday. Hopefully we will find out how much longer Brayden will have to be on the anti seizure medicine. And the other exciting thing going on this week is Jon's sister Jamie and her husband Josh are going to welcome their baby into this world. We can't wait, they are planning on getting induced on Tuesday night, so hopefully Wednesday morning we will have exciting news.

Here are some pictures from the week...

Brayden completely exhausted from learning how to roll over

All dressed up in the outfit Great Grandma O made me and yes that is my milk belly hanging over my pants

Just laughing at the things mommy tells me

Us at the Butler game last weekend

Brayden rolling over, notice the nice mullet hair-do that he has going on

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Bummer about the formula--maybe the next time, you mix with your milk, so the consistency is the same. He'll get it and you'll sleep eventually--promise! He's adorable as always!