Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer Vacation...

Jon had some time off last week, so Brayden and him decided to spend some time with his parents. Jon was pretty courageous. He decided that since we only have one car and I had to work, that they would take the train to South Bend and have his parents pick him up there. I tried about 50 times telling him it is not a good ideal to take a baby on a 2 1/2 hour train ride at 4 o'clock on a 90 degree day. But Jon decided he was brave and would try it out. I give him huge credit for being such a great dad. Well it didn't go as well as Jon thought it would go. First off, he thought Brayden would sleep. That didn't happen, so then he ended up with a crabby kid for half of the ride. Second, he some how ended up in the non air conditioned car for about half of the ride, so he spent most of his time cooling Brayden down with water. I asked him when he arrived if he would ever do it again and his quick response was NO! At least he tried.

Brayden had such a blast at Grandma Patty and Grandpa Dave's house!!

Grandma gave him rides around in the laundry basket

She also taught him "hog tie", he loved it.

Look at this face, it has mischievous written all over it!!

Grandma figured out that he liked to get into everything so if you look in the background you will see that grandma had to blockade him from the rest of the house because he was just too quick.

Daddy and Brayden enjoying their vacation

We got to enjoy the weekend at the lake house with the Amos Family. They are friends of ours from college and their daughter Kylie.

Brayden and Kylie

Kylie enjoyed her kiddie concoction, while we enjoyed margaritas.

Brayden had his first swim in the lake. He was more interested in trying to get the sand and rocks in his mouth!

His first official boat ride!!

Along with cousin Maddie, look at those beautiful blue eyes!!

Enjoying the wind in his face from the ride

Uncle Josh making me belly laugh

Overall, he really did miss his mom for a few days!! Actually I think I missed him a ton, it was the first time I was separated from him for just 2 days!

Oh, but what fun he had!!

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