Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Indy trip

We made it!! We had a great trip down and back from Indy. Brayden did really well considering we were gone for three nights. He didn't seem to mind sleeping in the pack and play, so that is a great thing. We just hope that our neighbors at the hotel got some sleep.

We had a busy couple of days meeting up with college friends and their kids. I forgot to get the camera out and take pictures of all of them, so there are a few pictures below. Brayden got to meet Zachary, Layne, Hayden, Cole, Lilly, and Addy.

We are 0 for 1 on babysitters so far too. We thought that we would try to run out to dinner one night since both of our brothers are down there and just have one of them watch Brayden for a little bit. It sounded like a good idea, but didn't exactly work out that way. Joey was sick with the flu, so we wouldn't allow him near Brayden at all. So Josh (Jon's brother) offered to watch him. When we left the hotel room Brayden was laying in his pack and play almost about to fall asleep. So we all thought, he would just sleep the whole time. We literally went out to dinner about one block away from the hotel, so just in case there was any problems we could get home quickly. I guess Brayden woke up not long after we left and cried the entire time. Josh tried to feed him and he didn't want that. He said the only thing that worked was putting his pacifier in, but as soon as he spit it out the crying would start again. So needless to say I don't think Brayden left a good impression on him, so he probably won't babysit for us again. Maybe when he gets a little bigger.

On a different note, Brayden's great grandpa Oley Worthington passed away last night. We were truly blessed that Brayden got to meet him a couple weeks ago when we were home for Thanksgiving. He loved meeting Brayden and actually was following the blog on his progress. I have included another picture of him holding Brayden in remembrance.

Great Grandpa Worthington

Brayden's favorite stretching position

I just thought this pictures was funny, so I included it

Just relaxing in my pack and play

Jon, Brayden, Chris, and Zachary (Jon's college friend)

Aimee with her twins Addy and Lilly (my college friend)

Olivia and Brayden (my college friend)

1 comment:

IUgirl78 said...

Hey! You guys should have totally called us--we would've watched Brayden for you. Reese was colicky so our tolerance is pretty high! :) Looking forward to seeing you guys at Christmas!