Thursday, November 13, 2008


We just got back from visiting Brayden at the hospital all day long and just wanted to report on a few updates that we have. When we got there this morning they informed us that they took him off the deep sedative drug (Versed). Initially they told us he would be on it at most for 48 hours, he was on it for about 34 hours. They decided to take him off of it because he had no seizures while on the medication.

We are in a very trying time right now with him and watching him closely to see if he is going to have any more seizures. He is still hooked up to all the electrodes and videos to monitor his behavior for the next 24 hours without the medication.

Since he got off the medication they said that he would slowly start to wake up more and be more interactive. So we stuck around for most of the day and sure enough after being off the medicine for a few hours he woke up and was alert.

He was being given breast milk through a feeding tube and he was digesting it good enough that they actually increased his dosage and said that if he was alert enough he could have it in a bottle. During his afternoon feeding, he finally got milk through the bottle. He was hilarious, he drank it down in about 30 seconds and he was mad because he wanted more. For about an hour after the feeding he was still smacking his lips. I guess we won't have a problem feeding him. He wasn't content at all, he didn't even fall back to sleep. The doctor told us that at the next feeding he could have as much as he wanted, so that is good news.

Right before we left we got one last update from the doctor. Since being off the medicine for 9 hours, he's had no physical seizures. He did have a few what the doctor called blips on the readings from the electrodes. They were not normal brain behaviors, but they were not a complete seizure. Just slightly abnormal. So we are being very cautious for the next few hours until we have reached a full 24 hours without any seizures. We are meeting the the pediatric neurologist first thing tomorrow morning, so hopefully we will know a lot more about his condition then. We'll definitely post again after we meet with the neurologist in the morning.


IUgirl78 said...

Thanks for the update. I'm so glad to hear that he was taken off the medicine early and is doing well. I love that he was smacking his lips for an hour after his feeding! :)

Megan Recker said...

Congratulations on your beautiful boy! He is so precious. My heart aches to hear about all he (and your entire family) has had to endure in his short life. We're sending you all our positive thoughts and prayers from Spain.
Meg and Luke Recker

Great Grandma O said...

Dear Jessica and Jonathan:

Just read your Blog.

Thank you for all of the information, plus the pictures. Brayden is really a beautiful baby.

Uncle Dave and I are sneding our best wishes that you'll be able to bring him home soon.

You are all in our prayers.


Great Grandma O
Uncle Dave

The McKenzies said...

Thank you for keeping us all so informed. Brayden is a miraculous baby! We continue to be thinking and praying for you.
love, Erin and Don