Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter...

5 Months
Brayden turned 5 months old on Thursday!! It is amazing how quickly he has grown up and how much he is learning everyday. My mom came up last week and taught him how to do raspberries, now he is constantly sticking his tongue out at us and blowing bubbles. Jon has started playing peek a boo with him, but when you surprise him, he squeals so loud. I think we might have a problem next weekend at the church trying to keep him quiet! I guess we have to be careful what we teach him these days.

Look how much bigger I am than the bear now!
I like to lay on my tummy and pretend like I am swimming

My mom calls me a Koala bear because anytime you put your hand near me, I wrap my legs around it

I love food!! More please and faster!!

Mommy and Me
Nanny time
We have had temporary fill-ins for the last two weeks while we have searched for a new nanny and we couldn't say thanks enough to everyone that has helped us out. A big thanks to Melissa this week, she watched the boys twice. She was a life savor, literally. On Thursday our carbon monoxide detector was going off. Off course, we just thought oh the batteries are dead, but no the carbon monoxide light was lighting up. So Melissa called us immediately and luckily since we live so close to the police station we called them to come over and take a reading. Well of course, they had to have the fire department do it. So here comes two fireman into the house and sure enough the carbon monoxide level was at 80! Not lethal, but pretty dangerous for two tiny babies. Come to find out they were power washing our garage 4 stores below and the fumes were seeping up into the condos. We had to air out the place and get the kids out of there immediately!! Thank goodness for her quick thinking.
I had both the boys one morning for a while and it was hilarious. Before the boys didn't really care that the other one was there. Now they totally know that the other one is there. It is pretty tricky if one gets a bottle, you better believe that the other wants one too and now!! Our new nanny starts on Monday, she sure will have her hands full with them.

Oh hi Colin, good to see you

Or maybe not (he is sticking his tongue out at him)

No really, it's good to see you

But if you could just move that way, that would be great

Enjoying some tummy time together

Until Brayden steals Colin's toy
Happy Easter
Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. Brayden had a blast. He loved opening his Easter basket this morning. First first loved his basket, then he threw it on the ground. Pretty funny!

Happy Easter

I thought we were supposed to eat the eggs

So the Easter Bunny brought me Peeps, but I can't get to them

Maybe I can just eat my way though the package

I found this basket full of candy and I decided I had to get my hand on it

So I came up with a plan, pull the table cloth and move the basket towards me

Almost there....

Got it!!

Overall it was a great Easter
It was Grandma Patty's birthday on Saturday and she was so sick with pneumonia, we sure hope she is feeling better and soon. Happy Birthday!!! We can't wait to see her this weekend to celebrate her birthday and celebrate Auntie Lauren and Uncle Josh's wedding!!


IUgirl78 said...

Wow--he just keeps getting bigger and bigger than that cute bear. :) How nice that you had some helpers while you were nanny-less. And thank goodness everyone was okay after your carbon monoxide scare! I will be thinking of you guys as the new nanny starts this week. I hope you had a great Easter!

Jennifer said...

I love Brayden scootching Colin off the mat! And how smart of Brayden to pull the tablecloth like that!! Thank goodness for the carbon monoxide detector!