Saturday, March 28, 2009

And we're off...

the medicine that is!!! Brayden took his final dose on Saturday and they told us it would take about 3-5 days to finally rid his system. So now we are completely medicine free!!! What a wonderful feeling!! We are still very cautiously watching him to make sure there are no seizures, but since we have gone so long without one, hopefully it will continue to be that way.

We have been enjoying all the visitors that we have been having over the past couple of weeks. Unfortunately we had to get rid of our nanny this week, so we have had a bunch of fill-ins to help us out. A big thanks to Erin, my mom, and Mrs. Ludwig!! Hopefully we found a replacement so we can get these kids back on schedule.

Brayden had his four month check up last week. Here are his stats: length 25 3/4 inches (75th percentile), 15 lbs. 11 oz. (75th percentile), and head circumference 41.3 cm (25 th percentile). He did really good with the shots, though he wanted to just be cuddled and he gave the saddest face for about a day!! He put that bottom lip out pretty far. The doctor said to give him until he is 5 months old and to mark it on our calender to start letting him "cry it out". Well wouldn't you know, last night he slept through the whole night!! I don't know if it is that he is completely off the medicine that he was a better sleeper or if it was that we gave him real food yesterday too. I put the video on of his first bite, not too bad. Pretty funny though, today I came home from work and Jon told me that Brayden didn't like the squash at all and that he had to tickle him to even open his mouth. Well come to find out, it was freezing cold and he didn't know that you had to warm it up. Funny that when I warmed it up, he ate the whole thing.

Since Brayden was in the NICU as a baby, the state has a program to make sure that all children get the services that they need in order to strive. They came and evaluated Brayden a couple weeks ago and come to find out, we have to do physical therapy once a week with him. His right side is weaker than his left side. He grabs and holds better on his left side. So we are working with the therapist to strengthen his right side up. They gave us some homework to do for the week and so far he is acing it! Hopefully he will keep it up and strengthen his right side up pretty quickly.

So this is what you call "March Madness", I enjoy watching basketball with daddy

I learned that playing with Uncle Jimmy's hat is a lot of fun

I am learning to do a bunch of things at once, eating my hands and trying to get my feet into my mouth

I am waiting for this so called "human food"

Mom, you are not fast enough, I guess I will try this instead

My first real food experience


Jennifer said...

Good job Brayden! So happy for you that you are off of your medicine!
I totally believe food helps the baby sleep better!! Brayden's going to love the baby food!

Aimee said...

Such good news about the meds! And this was a first I'd heard of the threat of crying it out helped with sleep! Good luck!

mamalouise said...

Amazing news on being DONE with the medication!! And lets not forget about the wonderfulness that is a full nights rest!! Brayden is so freaking cute I can hardly stand it! I LOVE the picture with him in his bouncer looking impatient waiting for his big boy food! So cute!

Amy said...

He is soooo adorable! That is great to hear about the medicine! I'm glad he is doing so well - can't wait to see him again!