Thursday, December 4, 2008

Whatever works...

We went to the pediatrician again on Tuesday. So far, so good. He is definitely putting on the pounds though, he weighed in at a whopping 10 lbs. 8 oz!! He has gained so much weight already, he's getting some chubby cheeks now. The doctor actually had to adjust his medicine because he has gained so much weight so quickly that it was no longer affective at the previous dose. So she upped it just a little so that we can prevent the seizures from occurring.

My mom came up yesterday to help with us and it was a good thing that she came. For some reason Brayden was having one of those days where he was off the whole day. He got about 2 hours of sleep in about a 12 hour period. Since he was a little crabby my mom took over for a little bit so I could get some sleep. Finally at the end of the day Brayden broke down and was completely over tired and was screaming at the top of his lungs. So we tried everything we could to get him to go to sleep. For some reason Jon placed him on the changing table and about ten seconds later he was passed out. Since he didn't sleep all day we didn't want to move him. Knowing that the changing table was not safe, Jon and I carefully lifted the mattress up and placed it in the crib. I know it is not conventional, but we really needed him to sleep. Below is a picture of the changing pad inside the crib. Pretty funny but it worked really well.


Jennifer said...

I am loving this! You better believe I have tried that before! Benjamin used to love his changing table- but it didn't work for us. It's definitely all about "whatever works"! He is such a big boy (:

IUgirl78 said...

I agree--whatever works! Both of my kids had a beautiful, handmade cradle and ended up sleeping in their carseat for the first few months. (Strapped in, of course!) I just needed them to sleep. And the best part was that if we decided we wanted to go somewhere and the baby was napping, we were all set to go! :)